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The popular 'App for everything' that has a huge following in the Chinese market. Use images, text and short video Ads to reach this demographic.

WeChat is the most popular social media platform and message App in China. It has over 1 billion monthly active users. WeChat is considered a super app due to its wide range function, such as text messages, voice messaging, video conferencing, photo sharing, location sharing and payment. It allows individuals to message many people at once. The Chinese consider it the 'App for everything'.

90% of users are Chinese, which provides a great opportunity for your business to tap into the Chinese market in the world. In GNA we can help you to create engaging content which could appeal to the Chinese audience and increase the chance of conversion.

Businesses can use WeChat for Ads, online payments, location sharing and for networking. It can reach a sizable population that is not as active on other social media.

If you are looking for professional WeChat marketing agency to help grow your business, contact us now.