Google My Business

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Get noticed on the web straight away. Google my business puts your company image, Bio and contact details on the search page, along with your map location.

Google My Business lets the world find your exact location

Google My Business enhances the visibility of your business in the local area. Any local prospective clients searching for your type of services will see your company listed just below a map with your location.

The Google My Business listing includes company address, contact information, photos and customer reviews. This type of listing works as highly effective promotion, and is much easier to find and absorb that a full website.

Google My Business gives a snapshot of your company – an ideal first point of contact with interested clients.

How Can GNA Help?

It isn’t too difficult to have a plain website or to just have a general listing with Google My Business. But getting the most effective advert listed right at the top of a Google listing is quite another matter.

We get your company and location verified by google, and set up the listing to be effective as possible, updating it with promotional offers as required. We also optimize it both onpage and offpage in order to get it to the top of the Google search page. Links, directory listings, and a direct connection to your website give you a better ranking with any Google search.

Google has been expanding various functions on Google My Business. It allows users to message directly to the business, to book a table or make an appointment via third party integration such as quandoo or booksy. You can also show your products, services and pricing which is convenient for your audience to connect to you.

Google My Business has become many business’s first contact point online. However, many businesses still fail to see the opportunities Google My Business offer and thus they are behind the latest trend.
GNA Solutions has been keeping up the latest trends on all available marketing channels online and we can surely help you to grab more opportunities. Contact us now and see how we can help you.



  • 1 post per month
  • Listing Optimisation
  • Service tab update (Up to 10 Services)
  • Products update (Up to 10 Products upload)
  • Menu upload (Up to 10 items for Restaurant only)
  • Customer order link set up (for Restaurant only)



  • 2 posts per month
  • Listing Optimisation
  • Service tab update (Up to 20 Services)
  • Products update (Up to 20 Products upload)
  • Menu upload (Up to 20 items for Restaurant only)
  • Customer order link set up (for Restaurant only)



  • 3 posts per month
  • Listing Optimisation
  • Service tab update (Up to 40 Services)
  • Products update (Up to 40 Products upload)
  • Menu upload (Up to 40 items for Restaurant only)
  • Customer order link set up (for Restaurant only)

*Please note that the above price guideline is for reference only. The price is subjected to change based on specific functions and requirements.

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